
The Angler

A fisherman and a young mother have a chance encounter on a pier when their lines become tangled.

Total votes: 131
The Zombie Factory

“The Zombie Factory”

1-hour TV drama pilot.

Total votes: 1269
The Genocide Project

“The Genocide Project”

1-hour TV drama pilot.

Total votes: 1085
Sentenced to Mars

“Sentenced to Mars”

1-hour TV drama pilot.

Total votes: 867
Project Future

Total votes: 1596
Iced in

Total votes: 757
Gender Unknown

“Gender Unknown”

1-hour TV drama pilot.


Total votes: 542
Divorce Wars

“Divorce Wars”

1-hour TV drama pilot.


Total votes: 627
Allies and Enemies

“Allies and Enemies”

1-hour TV drama pilot.

Total votes: 1161
Age of Darkness

“Age of Darkness”

1-hour TV drama pilot.  


Total votes: 1586
Zombie Airlines

"Zombie Airlines"

Genre: Action comedy

Total votes: 560
The Man Who Stole Hitler

"The Man Who Stole Hitler"

Genre: Holocaust thriller

Total votes: 605
Santa's Little Mermaid

"Santa's Little Mermaid"

Genre: Adventure comedy

Total votes: 366
Peter Pain

"Peter Pain"

Genre: Family action adventure

Total votes: 332
He Who Breathes Fire

"He Who Breathes Fire"

Genre: Fantasy adventure

Total votes: 686
Dreamer One

Total votes: 511
Cowboys & Indians vs. Zombies

“Cowboys & Indians vs. Zombies”

Genre: Action-comedy


Total votes: 535
Alice in Zombieland

“Alice in Zombieland”

Genre: Action-thriller


Total votes: 1792
The Night Witches

With wood and canvas biplanes, no radio, no lights, no defenses and no parachutes, just bombs, these WW2 Soviet pilots terrorized the German front line night

Total votes: 781
The Falcon

The tale begins with CAPTAIN HORATIO T. MARSH'S, ship stilled by a cracked mast.

Total votes: 678

Total votes: 728
Ube Bubog, vol. one, #School of Hard Knocks

Ding Bangus, a skateboarding Filipino college dropout is mistakenly marked for death by motorcycle riding vigilante assassins and must rely on Clutch 'Cobra

You voted 2. Total votes: 454
Ube Bubog, Vol. One, 'School of Hard Knocks'

A Filipino college dropout is mistakenly marked for death by motorcycle riding Vigilante assassins and must rely on a crazy American UFC fighter wannabe to

Total votes: 454

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