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I am- I am Robot


This visually arresting, captivating film presents the process of becoming more and simultaneously less than human through technology. Over the course of the film, we are introduced to a series of female characters, all going through some form of transformation – surgery to repair a body broken in a car crash, or anti-aging procedures – and throughout there is an effective sense of foreboding, of disorientation as the viewer is moved through a constantly changing landscape. 

Ms. Gorig’s digital filmmaking is crisp, precise and challenges the viewer’s assumptions about how much or how little the digital world, the ‘internet of things,’ as it were – holds us in place rather than releases us from worry. In the world depicted here, upgrades aren’t just apps to download but new articles of faith built by the priestly caste of doctors and engineers seen at various points intensely working through a surgical procedure. The danger inherent and confusion engendered in the patient (or is the better word, victim) is deftly drawn, taking the viewer back to familiar science-fiction tropes such as the rebuilding of the astronaut sequence from t.v.’s “Six Million Dollar Man”. In this film, however, the can-do spirit of the technologist is called into question as their creations wander, dream-like, through increasingly complex and convoluted environments. The pervasive and oppressive presence of technology, along with its as-yet-unkept-promise to liberate us from the mundane, even in the most bucolic of settings. 

This film is an intriguing, lyrical meditation on the state of humanity’s progress in the face of completely new and different models for the human experience that we don’t entirely understand, but cannot help but trust. The film raises many questions, and leaves the viewer disquieted but ready to take another step on the journey toward transformation.
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Information for the Audience: 

I created this film on my Canon 5d Mark ii, using a zoom lens too. I used friends and family for the film. I am a multi media artist from brooklyn ny. It took me one year of filming and editing to finish film.This is my third film. it is an independent film.



Directed by: 
Risha Gorig
Risha Gorig, Elizabeth Ehrhardt, Jaqueline Kelly, Aviva Gorig, Melena Steiner, Nadja Steiner, Franz Landspersky, Myra Gorig, Chris Van Nes, Robbie Cordianao
Produced by: 
risha Gorig
Music by: 
Rhoneil " the Door" and Satie le Gymnastique, Bach
Cinematography by: 
Risha Gorig
Film Editing by: 
Risha Gorig
Casting by: 
Risha Gorig
Art Direction by: 
Risha Gorig
Set Decoration by: 
Risha Gorig
Costume Design by: 
Risha Gorig
Makeup Department: 
Risha Gorig
Release Date: 
Saturday, July 1, 2017
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